
Digital Signage: Communication comes alive

Trinity srl provides complete Digital Signage systems, with support for content production and management.
What about Digital Signage?

It is not just a system for advertising.
It is a form of visual communication that uses screens of different formats to convey informational, promotional, or entertainment content of its audience.

Digital signage is the future of visual communication!

Trinity srl Digital Signage
Some fields of applications
  • Stations
  • Museums
  • Airports
  • Stores, Malls
  • Entertainment venues
  • Food
  • Public Administration
  • Hospitals, Clinics
  • Schools and Universities
Trinity Digital Signage System Architecture

The application is accessed by login via a browser, which means that any content or scheduling/registry updates can be done from wherever you are.

For each video device (TVs, big screens, Kiosks/totems, interactive and non-interactive, up to any mobile display) there is a “player,” i.e., a device that is mostly hardware but also sw that can run on a pc/notebook/tablet/smartphone.

The player receives in push from the cloud application the content, new or modified, and in less than 1 or 2 minutes the device automatically plays the content.

The Trinity Digital Signage System Player

The device hw/sw is an Rpbi excellently tested on this and many other projects, used for its performance, robustness, and long-term operational durability with minimal power consumption.
High graphics performance: H.265 (4Kp60 decode), H.264 (1080p60 decode, 1080p30 encode), OpenGL ES, 3.0 graphics, Ethernet connections, Wi-Fi, HDMI, USB.

Digital Signage vs Static Signage

Siamo abituati a vedere immagini e messaggi testuali sotto ogni forma, manifesti, display, totem ecc.., in alcune città si è immersi da una quantità di informazioni visive, ma come si distinguono? La comunicazione visiva si divide in due grandi famiglie: STATICA e DIGITALE. SIGNAGE STATICO….    Vai all’articolo !